Friday, May 18, 2007

Another loooong and boring week...

Hmmm... I seem to be feeling this way towards week for some quite time now, maybe Im growing tired of it...

that or gym-ing has finally taken its toll on me...


Was supposed to blog last wednesday about TINTIN but work got in the way and I ended up not posting at all...

Been a TINTIN fan since I was a kid...

I think this was the first comic book that Ive ever read (and still read whenever Im in Antipolo)...

I remember whenever my mom brings me to her clinic in manila, we would always go by Alemars (an old bookstore in Manila...) and buy a TINTIN comic book...

I think I have most of them (16 out of the 24 listed)... wasnt able to collect the whole series... Alemars was shut down and as far as I knew then, it was the only store that carried the comic book... until now, when I go to some bookstores... I dont see most of them selling TINTIN comic books...

I sooo love TINTIN... his adventures around the world as a young globe-trotting reporter made me fall in love with world history, made me appreciate EUROPEAN humor (not being brazzen-faced or anything, but most people I know... they dont get EUROPEAN humor)...

So... when I came upon a link on Yahoo about TINTIN being planned to be made into a live/cg movie... I was sooo giddy... plust... two famous, sought-after directors have already committed in making the first two of the three movies planned... one is Mr. Steven Speilberg and Mr. Peter Jackson.

According to the article (guess youll just have to google it... I already lost the link/s)... both are looking for a third director for the Tintin Trilogy...

Im soooo excited for this one... hope they come out with good story lines... the Tintin series was brought on story lines more than the art...

Sigh... I remember those days when I would be spending every weekend when I was a kid (and on early teenage years)... reading through a TINTIN comic book over and over...

And it never bored me...

I would recommend everyone to try to get a copy of any TINTIN comic book... for sure you'd like it... (and ehrm... if ever you find a store that sells TINTIN comic books... I would really appreciate it if any of you would tell me... thanks... )

For Tintin resource... visit


Well gyming yesterday was pretty interesting...

I mentioned last week that I was able to spend some time with my gym-bud Faith...

I told her that I had a huge crush on Joel, an FI in my gym...

Well... apparently... she squeelled on me...

I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing... but it certainly got Joels attention (I think)...

So yesterday... Faith formally introduced me to Joel... the thing is I dont know what Joel knows... Faith hasnt really clarified what she told Joel...

I was quite embarassed when Faith introduced me to Joel... I didnt know how to react...

All I could remember was making an akward-wave saying hi... and shook his hand... thats it.. I couldnt exactly remember how he looked like while Faith was introducing him to me...

Pam told me he was smiling...

I dont know exactly what that smile means... I just hope whatever that meant, its a good one...

Will have to do damage-control now...

Need to re-introduce myself to Joel... I feel I looked like a total girly-spaz yesterday...

Think high-school crush...

* sigh *

I know I shouldnt be feeling like this... especially to another guy...

Its the same feeling I had when I first met Bryan...

I cant get him out of my mind...

Things are shaking up... and I dont want to ruin whatever me and Bryan have...

But then again... Joel is really cute... and he seems mabait...


This thing with Bryan... its driving me nuts...

add Joel to the scene and my minds totally going haywire...

* screams *


Anyway got to turn in now... will have to read a few more chapters from the book before I sleep...

Bryans coming over tom...

I wonder what drama tom will bring...

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