Friday, August 24, 2007

So... yesterday was totally a complete waste of my time.

From the
meeting I had yesterday afternoon, to the stupid bowling tourney.

It was
a complete waste.


I dont normally rant about "work" stuff here, but the exception of yesterdays "meeting" and bowling activity just begs to be "ranted" about.

First off, was the meeting we had.

Initial plan was just to show "us" what they have done so far, a prototype if you will. I just thought that they would just take awhile in doing the whole presentation, because after all, it is just a prototype.

But, as usual, my expectations failed me.

You've got to know that
most non-IT people in the room were just a bunch of "asses". They clearly dont understand what the meeting was all about. What happened though was a debate of who had a better business process; it was a question of why do you that, why do you this. It was "stupid" to the point of having pointless word-spatter from one "channel" to another. The only good thing that came out of the whole meeting was that I got time to finish the sketch I started a couple of weeks ago... and that I got to "stare" at this hunky agent.

After wasting five and a half-hours of my life (not by choice), I was about to waste another five more hourse of my life (again, not my choice) doing something that I really didnt want to do.

I was pissed as it is. But I H-A-D to because... for someones fucking idea of "bonding" and "fun"... ack!

So there I was forced and pissed.

Theres really nothing that I can write about the whole bowling thing... except that
I "sucked" big-time... but not as much as the "organizer" because everything had a "bahala-na"-feel to it... just plainly pathetic... and the food service was terrible... we were there at 700pm... we got served with "dinner" at 930pm, talk about service, or lack thereof...

So with that experience...
Im officially quiting bowling... not just because I "suck" at playing it... the location and the people... it just aint worth wasting a couple of my hours with...

All in all this day was a bust...

Makes me wonder about bad luck...

* shouldnt have crossed that black cat the other night *

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