Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 in 365+ Angles - 11Jan10

So today, I visited Globes' Business Center at our building to pay my monthly bill and have my SuperPlan subsctiption changed.

It took me less than 5mins to finish paying my bill. The cashier was fast and efficient, the best in my opinion.

Next was to have my SuperPlan subscription changed. There were at least two people in front of me. So the first one was this lady who was having her iPhone checked.

Hohum. Apparently, from what I gathered shes basically asking how to use it, the basic functionalities - how to surf, go on FB - you know, the BASIC stuff.

Geez. Come on! Why get a phone that is that functionality rich when, 1) you dont know how to use it - even the BASIC functions, and 2) youre on Prepaid (unless youre not like me who is extremely dependent on a Data Plan).

It took them roughly 20mins to finish the consultation. FUCK! Geez woman, theres an online manual for it. Then again with the way she looked, I doubt that she even knows how to properly operate a microwave.

After 25mins, it was my turn. I was through in less than 5 freakin' mins. Thats the way you fo it.

Damn. That lady really ticked me off. Even the attending CS Agent bowed her head after in frustration.

If I were her, Id do more than just that.

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