Friday, September 05, 2008

a different friday

remember when the thought of friday brightens up your day...

i cant say that applies to today...

it is a friday alright...

but it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo... boring...

its like my life-force has been drained of all the positivity...


maybe im just hungry for something more interesting to do...

something exciting...

something totally different...

the dullness of sitting almost 8 hours staring at your computer,

shifting through different tasks...

its soooo getting old...

call me a rebel if you want...

but this desk-job thing...

its just not working...

how does a free-spirit become so entangled in matters that can kill someone with utter boredom...

give me rain, give me thunder... anything will do...

peace and quiet is good, at night... then again id have enough of that too...

i want to cause a ruckus...

i need chaos...

i just need something better to do...

* hmmm *

good lord...

an hour more and im out of this hell hole..

ill be so glad to see gym-folks and friends...

hay, gym.. the highlight of my day...

the savior to a different friday...

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