Friday, May 16, 2008

someone passed a text message to me this morning...

"its amazing how you continue to love someone you should not...

maybe because trying to stay away would hurt...

so you might as well take the risk...

because either way you would get hurt anyway."

* ouch *

appropriate much? yeah...

hits me right on the spot...

so i ask..

should i take the risk?

actually it doesnt matter...

ive already been hurt...

still hurting...

losing hope...

whats to lose?

the friendship?

is it worth to lose the friendship?


chase / chubz said...

take the risk!

life is about the risks.
baka one day you'll realize what if?

daemon said...

@ chase -

i know...

and thing is...

i havent done anything yet...

and it seems that the friendship has been damaged...

so theres really nothing left to take care of...

joelmcvie said...

“You would get hurt anyway”.

Loving someone you should not is like hitting your head against a wall. The hurt of walking away from the wall is much, much less than hitting your head on the wall.

There are risks worth taking, and risks that are best left alone. Use your head by thinking, not by hitting it against a wall.

gillboard said...

THe reward is worth all the risks at times. But sometimes there are no rewards at all.

Sometimes asking what if is better because the friend is still with you, rather than knowing and not having the person at your side.

Orange76 said...

I'm no expert with relationships, but its a given that everything in life is a risk.

If you choose to play safe, it is your decision so live with it. If you decide to dive in to see what's at the other end, then have no regrets. Be happy that you have these choices to make in life. Others don't get to choose at all.



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