Sunday, February 15, 2009

thinking out loud...

we are plunged into situations where we 'are' forced
to keep to our selves what we really want to say...

this is usually what happens when we become
the 'bigger' and 'better' person...

strange though...

i was never really known to keep my mouth shut...

let alone keep my opinions to myself...


without really getting into trouble...

here are a couple of things off of my head...

things that i would have wanted to tell a couple of people...

on the bitchy side...

- "i don't appreciate being shushed at... worry more about yourself, cause I'm not ashamed of how i talk or act..."

- "so, apparently... you're insecure with me - i wouldn't really have imagined it..."

- "look, you may have 'that' - but I KNOW I'M BETTER LOOKING than you..."

- "at least, I don't lie about the real me..."

on the other side...

- "dude, what are we?"

- "when are we going to stop playing this game?"

- "yes; i want you to know... I LOVE YOU..."

* sigh *

i really don't know why, with my 'attitude' and all fold with being
'angry' with people who are close to me...

maybe because i am so tied up with the reputation that i built as this
all around nice guy...


i dont know really...

i just always want to be the 'bigger' person and i let 'kharma' deal with

funny how things are now turning...

everything has turned a complete 360 degrees...

note to self : build more confidence...


* just ranting out *

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