Sunday, October 05, 2008


my saturday has been the craziest so far...

its been a crazy roller-coaster ride...

first, all about 'him'... saw 'him' at the gym... and well that made my day....

but later on during the last few set of my workout routine...

i got into a bad feeling of jealousy when i saw how 'he' and his ehrm *rolls eyes* client were interacting...

its weird, the jealous fit have been growing too much with regards to him...

maybe its because, the 'hope' that 'he' IS... is getting stronger and stronger...

* sigh *

second, my week-old phone got dented *screams fuck*...

although ive slowly accepted the fact that it has a dent...

thing is it still bothers me...

* sigh *

have to wait for the requested chassis part...


* screams fuck *

third, the brus were on rest-period this weekend... and eating alone felt really bad...

crap it... didnt really like it all....

though there was a moment of peace to it...

its something that i wouldnt want to be doing on a regular basis...

* looks around *

and lastly...

since the brus were on rest-period...

i have to thank sim and lance for keeping me company this saturday night...

i was actually hesitating to go to gov...

but, i let all worries go away...

and i just let the night take me where it can...

and im soooo glad to have met everyone sim introduced me too...

yey for circle of acquaintance (and ehrm... potentials... hahahaha)...

* sigh *

this weekend was sooooo 'bitin' in more ways than one...

seriously, weekends should be mandated to be five (5) days a week, and that the workdays should be two (2) days a week...




Joaqui said...

I agree! Weekends/rest days should be longer than working days! hehehe

daemon said...

@ joaqui_miguel

- hey there thanks for dropping a line...

yey for reform...

2 working days vs 5 rest days...

hahaha =)


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