Thursday, January 08, 2009

on being uprooted

just when everything settled down...

just when i finally got around to it...

im taken out...

like an uprooted plant...

it is actually a blessing, coz ive been so far-off this
whole programming thing...

i just lost interest in development...

it got boring fast...

that because i finally saw what 'life' really is...

what 'life' really had to offer...

im being uprooted as a developer and gonna be planted back as a BA/QA...

now i dont know if thats a good thing...

ive always to try doing BA/QA work...

but one thing scares me... longer longer hours...

as one of my superiors puts it...

'dedication' is asked from me...

my gym hours are going to be fucked up...

big time...

and im hating the idea...



im now contemplating on 'transferring'...

just in case this whole IT thing doesnt really work out...

im gonna miss the high-pay for sure...

but i bet that im gonna have a greater time out here...

now if i only knew what i want to do...

frack it...

frack it...

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