Monday, April 30, 2007


There are so many things that I want to say... I can... but you wont just hear it...

There are so many things that I wish we could do... we can... but you just dont want to...

But you know what, I can take it...

I can take...

not being able to say the things that I want to say...

not being able to sleep beside you on a cold saturday night...

not being able to hold your hands, hug you or kiss you in public...

not being able to say I LOVE YOU aloud...

I can take all of those, if it means that I can be with you...

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH that I can wait...

I have to wait...

Besides, ive waited for someone like you for years...

And if you need more time...

I can give it to you...



And I just want you to know that Im just around the corner...


For that moment...

When everything will be normal for the both of us...

When we can dance to the tune of a love song where the rest of the world disappears and all thats left is you and me
without any care for the world...

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