Sunday, March 21, 2010

the thing with karma...

ive always believed in the concept of karma...

but lately it seems that karma is not working the way its s'posed to...

its either that or the world is just fucked up that it allows those
who don't deserve to get 'good' karma...

i think the world is fucked up...

i mean come on, cheaters, players... those that deserve 'bad'
karma - are those the ones that actually get more 'guys'...

i dont wash my hands off anything ive done before...

but compared to most of the 'friends' i know... what ive done
is incomparable to what they've done...

i despise people who lie and those who cheat... and those
who think its ok to do so...

and yet, these are the same people who get to have it all...

and it sucks...

so much...

why cant i have what 'they' have...

dont i deserve a reward for being by-the-book?

for being a relatively good guy...

im going to be selfish and say - yes...

karma... work with me, why dont you...

come on... all im asking for are a couple of breaks...

come on...


being lonely doesnt sit well with me...

it just doesnt...

* sigh *

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