Thursday, July 24, 2008

too much..

i just got to say this...

theres too much going on in my head...

i keep on thinking what i need to prioritize...

i keep on thinking how to fix my mistakes...


im crying right now...

not because of the multitude of things that i have to deal with...

im crying about one thing...

and i know i have to stop...

but, theres so much inside me about this one thing that i cannot supress...

my tears...

my feelings...


its killing me...


the thought of being alone...

the thought of playing the game over and over and over again...

its tiring and excruciating...

am i about to give up?

should i give up?

i already know the answers to these question...

but right now, my heart has taken over my brain...

and the logical side of me just wont listen...


theres just too much...

i need the weekend...

two more freakin' days...

just two more days...

hold on...



Dats said...

this too, shall

Joaqui said...

I feel your words.

Hope everything is a little lighter now. :)

daemon said...

@ joaqui_migues -


things have become a bit lighter now...

though i still keep on thinking about it...

hope to clear up on things as soon as time will allow me...


Joaqui said...

As they say, time is the best healer. More often than not, we need not rush things just to get over. Masochistic as it may sound, we need to experience every bit of it so that when it's time to cross the line, it's all left behind.


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